Water Heater Services in

Dependable water heater specialists serving California’s Central Coast. Residents in Carmel Valley, Pacific Grove, Aptos, and La Selva Beach look to us for help!

Water Heater Services - Chris Wilson Plumbing & Heating Repairs Inc

Signs You Need Water Heater Repair

When your water heater works seamlessly, you probably don’t give it much thought. Before your water heater fails, it will likely show a few symptoms of being in disrepair. Besides no hot water, keep an eye out for the following signs that your water heater needs repair:

  • Rusty Water: Red-tinted hot water points to a corroding water heater that needs immediate attention. If you also have rusty cold water, you likely have a problem with the pipes in your home.
  • Water Leaks: Metal expands when heated. If your water heater tank expands too much or enough over time, the tank may break and spring a leak.
  • Inconsistent Water Temperatures: A fluctuation in water temperatures usually occurs due to the accumulation of mineral deposits around the heater’s water heating components.
  • Odd Noises: Strange noises coming from your unit may indicate that you have an aging water heater due for replacement. Strange sounds could also result from a buildup of mineral deposits inside the tank.

If you notice these signs, call our experienced plumbers right away for water heater services.

Have dripping faucets or clogged drains, look to our experienced plumbers for your plumbing maintenance and replacement needs. Call us for no mess left behind work!